IMPORTANT NOTICE – Friday 19th March 2021

We would like to thank you so very much for all the support we have been shown over the past couple of days since our announcement to temporarily pause the order book for new quotes and orders, until 6th April.

It was not an easy decision for us to make at all, but we pride ourselves in giving you the best possible service every step of the way and in order for us to continue to do this we need to catch up, realign ourselves and be ready to set off again in time for peak season.

We have been truly humbled by the emails, and comments on social media supporting our decision, and each and every one of them has given the team a huge boost. We really do have the best customers!

If you already have a quote or an order in the system please don’t worry, we are continuing to be fully operational during this period of time, and you will be contacted in the normal way to confirm your order and arrange delivery.

For all new quotes please bear with us, your custom is very important to us. Please submit your requests again on or after Tuesday 6th April. Unfortunately, we are unable to hold onto any new quote requests received to us between Friday 19th March and Tuesday 6th April due to the potential of requests and plant availability changing.

Thank you very much for your continued support.

Matt, Pip and the team at Genus Plant Sourcing